Donor Story: St. Vianney Timaru Trust
The story of the St. Vianney’s Timaru Trust dates right back to 1835 when Suzanne Aubert was born in Lyon, France. At the age of 25 she accepted an invitation to become a missionary travelling to Auckland. In 1892 Suzanne was appointed Mother Superior of the newly established Daughters of Our Lady of Compassion, later to be known as the Sisters of Compassion.
In 1907 the Sisters opened the Home of Compassion in Wellington’s Island Bay. 45 years later on 14 December 1952 the Sisters established a new rest home on Morgans Road, Timaru to accommodate disabled women and elderly people. They named the building the "St Vianney's Home of Compassion" in honour of the relationship Suzanne Aubert had with Saint Jean Vianney in Lyon.
For 50 years the Sisters at the Home of Compassion faithfully cared for the elderly and sick in South Canterbury. They gave their life to the service of those in need.
“Every person has a basic right to life, respect, and honour. We make a commitment to care with compassion.” – Sisters of Compassion
In June 2003 the home was officially closed andby that stage was in the ownership of the St. Vianney’s Timaru Trust.
Today the St. Vianney’s Timaru Trust, equipped with the proceeds from the sale of the home, carry on the Sisters’ work. They support the South Canterbury community making grants to health related charities. In the last four years alone the Trust has granted over half a million dollars to organisations including Presbyterian Support, St. Vincent de Paul, Hospice, & Women’s Refuge.
This year St. Vianney's wanted to make their donations go further, and inspire more generosity in the community. Working with the Aoraki Foundation they assisted two charities to establish their own Community Group Fund.
The first donation was $50,000 to seed-fund the South Canterbury Air Rescue & Air Ambulance Fund. This fund will provide operational income to support the Westpac Helicopter and the numerous missions they complete in the Aoraki Region. St. Vianney’s have been a long- standing supporter of the the Air Rescue Helicopter and were delighted to help get this fund off the ground.
The second gift was made to the Alzheimers South Canterbury Fund. In this instance it was a $50,000 pledge in a dollar for dollar matched giving campaign. This pledge has encouraged other donors to come forward to double their gifts. The end result will be a $100,000 kick start to this much needed fund.