Donor Stories
Dermott O’Sullivan
O’Sullivan Family Scholarship
The O’Sullivan family has a long-standing affiliation with Lincoln University and this new scholarship will assist South Canterbury students to thrive in the rural sector.
John & Bernie
John & Bernadette McKay Fund
We ask our donors to ‘leave a legacy’, a fund that will allow their memory and generous spirit to live on. John & Bernadette McKay certainly did just that.
St Vianney’s Trust
Alzheimers Fund & Air Rescue Fund
For 50 years the Sisters at the Home of Compassion faithfully cared for the elderly in South Canterbury. This tradition continues through the St. Vianney’s Timaru Trust.
Brian Bell
Mackenzie Charitable Fund
Brian Bell’s life changing diagnosis rallied the Mackenzie community to look after him. Many years later he had the chance to pay it forward through the Aoraki Foundation.
Sharon & Richard
Financial Literacy Fund
There is a saying “put your money where your mouth is”, that is exactly what staff member Richard Spackman has done by starting the Financial Literacy Fund with his wife
Fraser Ross
Fraser Ross Environmental Fund
Fraser Ross was in his 80’s when he found he physically couldn’t continue the conservation work that was so dear to him. In 2016 he reached out to us at the Aoraki Foundation.
St Andrews Golf Club
Youth Endowment Fund
A decision in 1974 to start a golf course has led to a hole-in-one for the young people of St. Andrews, and this is all thanks to a community minded committee.
Eric & Queenie Miller
Miller General Impact Fund
Our founding donors were legends of the transport industry, but it is their legacy gift to our community that will ensure this story gets told for generations to come.
Paul & Sarah's Story
Swimming Fund
The unique thing about this fund is: it’s not named after its donors. We would have called it the Paul & Sarah Fund, except Paul and Sarah aren’t their real names.
Health Endowment Fund
This story starts back in 2011, when the Aoraki Foundation and South Canterbury District Health Board (SCDHB) combined to fundraise for a MRI Scanner.
Timaru Host Lions
Cody Hunter Fund
When Cody Hunter was born with liver issues in 1994, the Timaru Host Lions raised almost $100,000 for his treatment. Today that money continues to help people in need.
Multiple Sclerosis
SC Multiple Sclerosis Fund
After selling a property, Multiple Sclerosis South Canterbury didn’t want to just watch the money trickle away. Instead they used it to kick start a forever fund for their service.
Recipient Stories
Cancer Society
Lisa’s Story
Facing a cancer journey alone is scary. Fortunately, the South Canterbury Cancer Society and navigators such as Monica can help patients walk this journey together.
Family Works
Christmas Angels
Can you imagine Christmas day without presents? Well, that was the reality for many South Canterbury families before the Christmas Angels project.
Aorangi Golf
Love Golf
In 2021 golf in South Canterbury was not a growing sport. The number of young players taking up the sport was dwindling, something had to change.
David & Raewyn’s Story
A dementia diagnosis is life-changing and not just for the person with the disease. Often support people, such as partners suffer just as much, and who is there to support them…
Water babies
Learning to swim is a basic life skill when you are an island nation. Plunket is helping children and parents jointly develop water confidence in South Canterbury.
Life Education
A giraffe with a mission
Harold the giraffe is synonymous with the Life Education Trust, and has been educating children for 35 years. Despite his age, Harold is just as relevant today as he was in 1989.